
Everyone loves food. Learn about healthy food that makes you feel good from the inside out.

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14 Summer Superfood Recipes to Beat the Heat

Summer superfoods are ripe for the picking! Head to your closest farmer's market and seek out these nutrition powerhouses...

9 Disgusting (and Dangerous) Things You Don’t Realize You’re Eating

Beware of putting these seemingly innocent foods on your kitchen table—and in your mouth.

9 “Healthy” Foods That Aren’t Always as Healthy as You Think

Some so-called healthy foods on your supermarket shelves may not deserve a place in your cart—so make sure to read...

16 Healthy Grilling Tips From Food Safety Experts

We asked health and food safety experts for their tips on how to prevent grill flare-ups, avoid food poisoning, and...

15 Things You Should Never, Ever Eat at a Restaurant

We surveyed dozens of people in the restaurant biz on what they never, ever touch, whether it's to avoid outrageous...

12 Top Superfoods Every Healthy Man Needs in His Diet

The first step to healthy living starts with putting these foods in your diet. Immediately.

15 Supermarket Foods That Legitimately Last for Years

Some grocery items can last nearly forever if they're stored properly. Follow these tricks to stop wasting food—and money.

14 Foods You Had No Idea Could Give You Food Poisoning

Food experts reveal the foods that are the most likely to give you food poisoning; plus, tips on how to...

10 Ways Your “Healthy” Salad Is Making You Gain Weight

For starters, salads in a tortilla bowl are no longer that healthy.

Food Safety Experts Reveal the 7 Foods They’ll Never, Ever Eat

Food poisoning bacteria—and worse—could be lurking in practically any food you eat, leaving you at risk of severe gastrointestinal issues...

11 Things You Should Never Put in a Juicer

Not all fruits and veggies can be juiced. Here are the ones to avoid to save your juicer—and your body—a...

20 Summer Foods That Are Healthier Than You Thought

Reap these amazing health benefits from your favorite summer foods.

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15 Quick Healthy Meals Doctors and Nutritionists Make Every Day

What do doctors and nutritionists eat to stay healthy? They rely on quick healthy meals like these delicious options—and...

15 Foods You Should Never Eat After 40

Unhealthy foods can wreak havoc on your body as you age. Here's what to ease off your menu to stay...

13 Recipes That Make Vegetables Taste Like Candy

A pinch of sugar—or better yet, honey, agave, or stevia—helps the broccoli go down. The following simple recipes transform...

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15 Detox Foods That Work Even Better Than Apple Cider Vinegar

Move over, apple cider vinegar. These tasty foods can help support your immune, digestive and lymphatic systems to naturally...

14 Vegetables You Really Should Stop Avoiding

Tired of the same old veggies every single day? Branch out into new horizons and enjoy the health benefits of...

30 Healthy Eating Tips That Might Just Change Your Life

Starting even a few of these healthy eating habits could make a big difference.

36 Delicious Fish Recipes for Busy Weeknights

Including more fish and seafood is a heart-smart choice. Expand your dinner repertoire with these easy-to-make, healthy recipes.

12 Low-Carb Breakfast Ideas You Won’t Be Able to Pass Up

Breakfast doesn't have to be sugar-laden, syrupy, or boring. Lower carb choices are brought to you by registered dietitian nutritionists...

15 Most Powerful Spring Superfoods

Foods in season are at the peak of their nutritional value—which is why spring is the perfect time to stock...

13 Foods You Should Never Eat Past the Expiration Date

Think the sniff test can protect you from foodborne illness? Not when these items are involved.

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8 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Better Mornings

Up the nutritional ante with these simple breakfast tricks from a registered dietitian nutritionist.

10 Keto Diet Recipes That Will Make You Forget You’re on a Diet

The ketogenic diet is all about high-fat, low-carb foods that force your body to burn fat instead of carbs. These...

7 Foods You Should Never Eat By Themselves

Eat these snacks solo? You may be missing out on important health benefits.

10 Winter Foods You Should Eat to Prevent Colds and Flu

Our health experts share the best immune-boosting foods, from green tea to avocado, to add to your diet to fight...

The Safest Cooking Oils to Use for Every Type of Meal

If you have one go-to bottle of oil for all your cooking needs, you could be putting your health at...

9 Signs You Might Be Eating Too Many Preservatives

Preservatives are added to many foods to extend shelf life and prevent growth of harmful bacteria. More research on the...

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Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables: A Month-by-Month Guide to Produce

Shop smart by buying seasonal fruits and vegetables. You'll not only enjoy them more, but you'll also save money while...